My name is Beatrice which means “Bringer of Joy” and I am a Priestess of the Goddess.  Allow me to be your guide to the magical realm of the Goddess.

In this life, I resonate with the qualities of a Druid Priestess.  Druid Priestesses were known as Banduri, Dryads and Gertrudes.  Druids were a highly educated class of men and women of the ancient Celts found throughout Europe, though primarily concentrated in Ireland, Scotland, Britain and France.  Druids believed profoundly in Reincarnation and Naming Ceremonies were very important to the ancient Druids. They took great care in naming people, places and things.  Druid means, “Oak Wise” or “One of the Oak.”  I grew up on Oakdale  Avenue in Woodland Hills but my ancestry is from France.  Among the many names my mother gave me is Gertrude which means “Protector of the Truth.”

Priestesses were revered throughout the world. The Devadasi and Dakinis of India. The Delphines, Melissae and Pythia of Greece. The Sibyls of Rome. The Amazons of North Africa, the Chantresses of Egypt and the Medicine Women of Indigenous cultures whose sacred practices are returning to heal the masses.

These powerful women were Mothers to all, healers of hearts, diviners of destinies and as sacred Doulas presided over the cycles of life and death.  In the most advanced civilizations, Priestesses were honored and revered as Queens, Healers, Warriors and Oracles. What was the world like when spirituality and education was in the hands of women within matriarchal societies dedicated to peace and creativity?
Let us venture into the ancient wisdom of the Goddess and the Magic she brings.  True Magic is a consciousness within your being that attracts natural phenomena to manifest your dreams into reality.  Magic incorporates the balance of the male and female energies.  The male being the doing/active force and the female being the receiving/passive force.  Anything you would like to create, starts with a dream, a vision.  Nothing is invented or created without seeing it in your mind’s eye first. When your vision is clear within your mind, your loved ones in spirit will guide you to the necessary events and relationships to make your dream a reality. You will experience the amazing synchronicity of the spiritual realm which can guide you in ways that are truly . . . magical.  This realm is the Goddess within.
The Power of the Universe is feminine and the Love of the Universe is masculine. The Power of Love will magnetize to you everything you desire. Your imagination, the reflective pool within your mind’s eye is the gateway to your heart wherein lies the divine dimensions of consciousness, the abode of our spiritual guides, our ancestors and the messengers of light, our Angels.
The ancient Druids believed that “True magic is the ability to change your perception at will.” Entering the inner planes for guidance regarding any personal matter allows one to shift perception with ease. The ability to take others into the inner realms of light was one of the many services Priestesses provided. The arts of Divination, Necromancy, Astrology, healing with energy and light, healing with herbs and plants, Tantra or Sacred Sexuality, Alchemy and Telepathy were also practiced and taught by Priestesses.


Envisioned by Ines Honfi

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