A Cyber Space Goddess Temple

Venture into ancient Goddess wisdom
to experience the healing knowledge of
Priestesses and the magic of the Goddess.

“True magic is the ability to
change your perception at will.”

May The Goddess Dance
Into Your Heart!

Priestesses had many names
throughout the world. The Deva Dasi
and Dakinis of India. The Delphines
and Pythonesses of Greece.
The Sybils of Rome. The Amazons
of North Africa. The Dryads and
Gertrudes of Northern Europe.
We were called Doves in Greece and
Bees in Egypt, Birds in England and
Horaes and Melissas in the Middle
East. These beautiful, powerful
women, Mothers to all, Healers of
hearts, Revealers of the mysteries
of life and death, Teachers of sacred
love walked this earth for many
thousands of years

In the most advanced civilizations
on this earth we were honored and
revered as Queens, Healers, Warriors and Oracles. What was the world like when spirituality and education was in the hands of women within matriarchal societies dedicated to peace, cooperation and creativity.

“Entering the inner worlds for guidance regarding any personal
matter allows one to shift perception with ease”.

The Power of the Universe is
feminine and the Love of the
Universe is masculine. The Power of
Love will magnetize to you
everything you could ever desire.
Your imagination, the reflective pool
within you is the gateway to your
heart wherein lies the Kingdom of
Heaven and the abode of spiritual
guides, our Angels.

The ability to take others into these
inner realms of light was one of the
many services Priestesses provided.
The arts of divination,
astrology, healing with light, herbs,
sacred sexuality, alchemy and
telepathy were also practiced and
taught by these women.

I have come through  the ages, I have lived with the sages, I have traveled through corridors of time, to teach you the Knowledge Divine.

Come here, come closer, I have a confession

Priestess is the World’s oldest Profession

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